Schizophrenia – Uncommon signs to know

Schizophrenia – Uncommon signs to know

Schizophrenia is a critical mental disorder that ranges from mild to severe. This condition is usually diagnosed in people between 16 to 30 years of age. The early signs usually appear in adolescence and include extreme moodiness, difficulty concentrating, social withdrawal, strange thoughts, and odd behavior. Other uncommon symptoms of schizophrenia gradually increase in severity over time and can also impair daily functioning. The uncommon signs of schizophrenia can be classified into:

These are false beliefs about something and are easy to prove wrong, but the person with schizophrenia believes them to be true. For example, people with schizophrenia may believe they are important, others are attempting to control them, or they have extraordinary powers or abilities. There are different types of delusions:

Persecutory delusions
The person believes that they are being stalked, hunted, or tricked.

Referential delusions
The person believes a particular song lyric or a gesture from a TV host is for them.

Somatic delusions
The person believes that they have an illness or a health problem.

Religious delusions
The person believes in a special relationship with a deity or is possessed by a demon.

Grandiose delusions
The person believes that they are a famous entertainer or politician.

Erotomanic delusions
The person believes to be in love with a celebrity or thinks that their partner is cheating on them.

People with schizophrenia state that they can hear, see, smell, touch or taste things that do not exist. Among the different types of hallucinations, people with schizophrenia mostly experience auditory hallucinations. They hear things that are rude or unpleasant. Some schizophrenics also respond to the voices and appear to be talking to themselves. Visual hallucinations cause people to see lights, objects, people, or patterns. Mostly they see their loved ones or friends who are no longer alive. Olfactory and gustatory hallucinations cause them to believe they are being poisoned and refuse to eat. Tactile hallucinations are when they feel things moving on their body, such as hands or insects.

Confused thinking and speech
While speaking, schizophrenics often have trouble organizing their thoughts. Their sentences are jumbled, and they may jump from one topic to another, making no sense. People living with them often find it hard to understand what schizophrenic patients are talking about. Some may even invent new words without meaning or repeat a single word or phrase out of context.

Disorganized or unusual behavior
Schizophrenics may make unusual or abnormal body movements. Sometimes they may be perfectly still for hours, termed as catatonic, while other times, they may repeat their movements continuously. They may be smiling or laughing for no apparent reason and may have childlike silliness. Other examples of disorganized behavior are getting oddly dressed or making unusual gestures.

Lack of positivity
One may lack the motivation to perform everyday activities. Some negative symptoms include decreased facial expressions, withdrawal from social life, trouble planning, and sticking with activities. These symptoms are often considered indicators of other mental health illnesses like depression.

Cognitive issues
Schizophrenia patients may also experience cognitive symptoms like a short attention span and lowered concentration and memory retention. They may find it difficult to follow a conversation or remember appointments. Schizophrenics may also find it hard to organize their thoughts and make decisions. They also lack insight, which means they do not understand that they are ill. Loved ones and caregivers must be vigilant and provide support to control their symptoms.

These symptoms are psychotic symptoms which means schizophrenics have abnormal mental functions. These include:

The uncommon symptoms of schizophrenia can vary in type and severity. Though schizophrenia is challenging, it is manageable with early treatment and support. With the availability of better psychological treatments, most schizophrenics can now lead productive lives.

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