9 Critical Fitness Mistakes to Avoid for Healthy Results

9 Critical Fitness Mistakes to Avoid for Healthy Results

Committing to healthier lifestyle habits is one of the best ways to support their health. One of these habits involves embarking on a fitness program to help improve energy levels, the ability to participate in daily activities and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. However, it isn’t simply about getting into a routine. One must also ensure they exercise appropriately to avoid complications, including injuries. On that note, here are nine fitness mistakes to avoid for an improved outlook.

Doing anything in excess can harm one’s health, and this includes high-intensity exercise. Individuals can get on a workout routine for the first time. However, it is important for them to refrain from trying and pushing themselves beyond what their body can handle. Overtraining could lead to injuries that may affect the person’s ability to participate in the fitness routine for a long time. It is also important to time the rest period during a workout. One could follow a 60-minute session that includes warm-ups, cool-down, and lifting exercises. Wearing a stopwatch or using an app on the smartphone could improve time management while working out.

Skipping warm-up
One of the worst mistakes people make during a workout routine is skipping the warm-up session. Warming up before initiating an exercise helps prepare the muscles, lungs, and heart for the upcoming physical activity. These mild routines also help lower the risk of injuries and help the individual mentally prepare for the workout ahead. When a warm-up is done right, the temperature of the muscles and body rises, which helps improve blood flow. The process subsequently improves muscle elasticity, and circulation, which is essential for a better range of motion. A few warm-up routines include bodyweight exercises like lunges, pushups, jumping jacks, and squats.

Not having a set plan
Several individuals begin their workout routine without having a prepared plan. As a result, they may waste a lot of time throughout the day figuring out what exercise to complete. Therefore, it is important for one to draw up a plan for each day of the week before starting a fitness routine. An individual must do at least 30-minute workout sessions in a week or four 20-minute sessions at the gym per week, with about six hours of training. The individual could write down the exercise, sets, and repetitions and the order in which they wish to complete them. Having a plan and being regular with routines can help improve physical and mental health.

Using the same machines, reps, and sets
While having a set plan for workouts is helpful, many continue using the same machines, reps, and sets daily. There are multiple caveats to following the same agenda at the gym regularly. It could lead to the individual reducing the number of sessions because of sheer boredom. Moreover, indulging in the same routine could also result in limiting the impact on the muscles. Therefore, one needs to alternate exercises like sets, reps, rest time, and the intensity of their routine to ensure that all the muscles in the body are activated.

Talking on the phone
People who embark on a fitness journey might be habitual talking on their smartphone during an ongoing workout session. They might do this owing to a busy work schedule. But doing so may affect their level of focus and hamper the effectiveness of their workout and mood. If one must have their smartphone handy, they should limit the time spent speaking on it or checking it. Furthermore, there are many who take footage of their workouts for their social media. Experts recommend leaving this part for the end of the fitness routine so that their flow and focus are not interrupted.

Doing cardio before lifting
While a cardio routine is essential to an individual’s workout regime, it could have a range of negative effects when done at the wrong time. A 30-minute long jog before a set of heavy squats could increase one’s heart rate and serve as a suitable warm-up. However, the impact of the activity could lead to fatigue, resulting in poor form, which could affect one’s ability to lift a bar effectively. The lack of energy following a cardio routine could also lead to injuries during lifting exercises. So one ought to consider a lifting session first before tackling cardio.

Not staying hydrated
One of the primary factors of fitness is to ensure the body receives a sufficient amount of water. An individual must drink the liquid during exercise to replace the amount that is lost through sweat. Staying hydrated helps the body avoid the risk of heat stress, manage performance levels and maintain normal body function. Another thing most people at the gym don’t do is carry a water bottle. While walking up to the water fountain in between a routine is possible, it results in a wastage of time, which could hamper the effectiveness of an overall exercise session.

Leaving the core routine for the end
While one could leave a core routine for the end of the workout, one may cut it short. This is because when the individual is tired and approaching the end of the lifting session, they might not want to take on routines like leg raises, side planks, and planks. So one could finish off with core training by incorporating a few moves in between exercises. Performing them during rest periods could maximize the time spent in the gym. Furthermore, the individual should avoid combining core routines with heavy strength sets of total body moves like squats. These usually rely on the core for proper form and positioning. Alternatively, one can incorporate these with other exercises like leg and bench presses that depend on the midsection.

Improper rest
Taking on a fitness routine without proper sleep is one of the worst mistakes people can make. Taking on intense exercise routines with inappropriate rest could add to the body’s stress levels. If one wants to exercise in such situations, one can try gentle workouts like yoga and walking.

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