8 Types of Aches One Should Not Ignore

8 Types of Aches One Should Not Ignore

Pain can be extremely relative. Even similar diseases or conditions can affect one in different ways in comparison to others. While some aches can be superficial and curable with a little rest or even just water at times, others may require immediate medical attention. Knowing how to distinguish between these different forms of pain is important. Based on causes and symptoms, one should never ignore the following types of pain:

  • Sharp pain that decreases the range of motion or prevents one from moving
  • Pain emanating from an area of a previous injury or surgery
  • Any pain that is associated with a deformity and severe swelling
  • Aches that do not go away despite several days of care
  • Constant aches and pains that intensify in severity
  • Any pain that involves bruising
  • Severe pain that leads to nausea or vomiting
  • Aches and pains that are accompanied by fever and chills

Additionally, one should keep an eye out for specific pains that may develop in specific body parts and warrant a visit to the doctor. These include:

Sudden chest pain
A sudden feeling of pain, discomfort, or pressure in the center of the chest could be a result of a pulmonary embolism (obstruction of a blood vessel due to a clot), pneumothorax (increased gas or air in the chest cavity), angina (pain caused due inadequate blood flow), or even a heart attack. It may be accompanied by pain or discomfort in one or both arms, neck, jaw, stomach, and back. One could also experience shortness of breath, nausea, lightheadedness, or a cold sweat. One should not ignore any signs of chest pain and visit an emergency room immediately.

Leg pain with swelling
One of the legs swelling up suddenly and causing trouble when standing or walking around could indicate an underlying condition. Generally, sudden swelling and pain in one leg is a symptom of deep vein thrombosis or the formation of a clot within the deep vein of one leg. These clots can break free and move to the lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism. This generally develops when one is not moving around enough to allow the blood to circulate in their legs. If one experiences such pain, especially after a long flight, they should consult a doctor for prompt treatment.

Painful urination
Experiencing a burning sensation when urinating or a frequent urge to pee could be a symptom of a UTI or urinary tract infection. UTIs could be a sign of sexually transmitted diseases, kidney or bladder stones, infections, or bladder cancer. As women have a shorter urinary tract, UTIs are more frequent among them than men. If one experiences these symptoms, they should visit a urologist and get tested immediately. Prompt detection can help prevent or mitigate serious diseases and improve the chances of recovery.

Sudden testicular pain
A sudden pain accompanied by swelling arising on one side of the scrotum that makes it difficult to walk or even talk could be a symptom of testicular torsion. This develops when the cords that connect to the testicles become disconnected, disrupting blood flow. It feels similar to a swift kick to the groin area. Other possible reasons for testicular pain may include testicular cancer and epididymitis. One should consult a doctor immediately when experiencing such pain.

Stiff neck with a fever or headache
Sudden pain or stiffness in the neck could be a consequence of various health problems. However, when it is accompanied by a fever or bad headache, it generally is symptomatic of meningitis, an infection of the membrane around the brain. A meningitis infection needs immediate medical attention. Other accompanying symptoms of meningitis may include vomiting, nausea, rash, confusion, and sleepiness.

Sharp pain in the abdomen
If one experiences a sharp pain in the lower right abdomen that starts around the belly button, they should get tested. One could also experience other accompanying symptoms like nausea, vomiting, a low-grade fever, diarrhea, constipation, inability to pass gas, swelling in the abdomen, or a lack of appetite. This pain could be a result of several underlying factors such as appendicitis (or inflammation of the appendix), inflamed gallbladder or pancreas, an ovarian cyst, pelvic infection, or an ectopic pregnancy, and requires immediate medical attention.

Severe back pain
A sudden, agonizing pain in the back that is not caused by improper form or posture could be a result of kidney stones, an abdominal aneurysm, or an epidural abscess. Kidney stones tend to interrupt the flow of urine and cause sharp cramping or pain that begins in the back and moves lower. An abdominal aneurysm is a bulge in the main artery that carries blood away from the heart. This ache may be mild as the bulge develops but can turn into intense pain upon bursting. Epidural abscess is a relatively rare condition that only affects 10,000 people a year. The term refers to an infection beneath the membrane that covers the spinal cord. The condition can lead to paralysis, so it requires immediate treatment.

Leg pain
Pain at the top of the foot or the front of the lower leg could signal a possible stress fracture. While this is not an emergency, it does require adequate examination and treatment to promote healing and recovery. Severe leg pain, accompanied by swelling, tenderness, and back pain, could also indicate a blood clot or sciatica.

Apart from this, peripheral neuropathy, or developing a pins and needles sensation in the feet, indicates nerve damage and could be a warning sign for diabetes. If one experiences these symptoms, they should consult a doctor and get tested immediately.

If one notices any of these aches, it is advisable to visit a qualified healthcare professional quickly. Prompt treatment can help relieve pain and inflammation, reduce the chances of complications, and improve the chances of recovery.

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