7 Warning Signs and Symptoms of Multiple Myeloma

7 Warning Signs and Symptoms of Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma (MM) is a kind of cancer that forms in the plasma cells, a type of white blood cell. Plasma cells allow one to fight against infections by producing antibodies that attack any foreign substance entering the body. Multiple myeloma happens when cancerous plasma cells outnumber healthy blood cells in the body. Keep reading to learn about the warning signs of multiple myeloma to remember for an early diagnosis and timely treatment.

When a person has cancer, plasma cells accumulate in the bone marrow and outnumber healthy blood cells. Instead of producing normal antibodies, these cancerous cells make abnormal proteins, which cause several health complications. In multiple myeloma cases, the body might or might not show symptoms. Since the disease often does not cause symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage, an early diagnosis is difficult. Sometimes, it gets accidentally detected during a routine blood test by showing an abnormal protein level.

Signs and symptoms of multiple myeloma
Some early warning signs and symptoms of multiple myeloma are listed below.


  1. Nausea – When cancerous plasma cells cause bone damage, bones break down, and calcium enters the bloodstream. Excessive calcium levels can trigger nausea.
  2. Bone pain, mainly in the chest and spine, is a common symptom of MM, triggered by bone damage due to the myeloma cell growth in the bone marrow.
  3. Loss of appetite – The abnormal plasma cells cause many changes to one’s hormones and metabolism, making one lose appetite.
  4. Fatigue
  5. Excessive body mass loss
  6. Excessive thirst
  7. Numbness in legs – Abnormal proteins produced by cancerous plasma cells can cause nerve damage, leading to numbness and sometimes a “pins and needles” sensation in the legs.
  8. Constipation
  9. Brain fogginess

Warning signs of multiple myeloma
Here are some signs of multiple myeloma, in detail , that one should look out for.

Bone problems
People with this type of cancer will feel their body starts to feel weak. One will notice that one’s health condition is deteriorating with time. One might also develop some bone problems like the ones listed below.

  • Pain in bones – This pain can happen in any bone, but the most targeted areas are the hips, skull, ribs, and back.
  • Fractures or broken bones – Sometimes, even minor stress or injury will trigger a bone fracture.
  • Bone weakness – The patient may feel weakness all over the body or only where there are cancerous plasma cells.

Bone pain is the most common warning sign of multiple myeloma. Since the cancerous cells multiply in the bone marrow, they cause bone damage and thinning of the bone, which is called osteoporosis. It will cause the bone to break easily. For people with the condition, the pain becomes excessive when they move the body. If cancer has affected one’s spine, the vertebrae might collapse and cause a compression fracture. However, one will be surprised to know that in the case of advanced multiple myeloma, one might even lose inches from one’s height because of compressed vertebrae.

Low blood counts
Another common sign of multiple myeloma is a decrease in the count of white blood cells, red blood cells, and blood platelets. Due to this shortage of blood cells, one might experience-

  • Anemia – This is a condition of reduced red blood cells in the body. Anemia can cause weakness, shortness of breath, a reduced ability to exercise, and dizziness.
  • Thrombocytopenia – In case one’s blood platelet count is low, even a minor cut, scrape, or bruise can cause severe bleeding.
  • Leukopenia – When there are only very few white blood cells, they can lower one’s resistance to infections like pneumonia.

Nervous system-related issues
Too much pressure is placed on the spinal nerves when the bones are affected. It is known as spinal cord compression. It might lead to sudden and severe back pain, muscle weakness, and numbness in the legs. If one’s spinal cord is not treated immediately, one might have to deal with permanent paralysis. It is also noticed that the abnormal proteins produced by the myeloma cells are toxic to nerves. It also causes a ‘pins and needles sensation,’ known as peripheral neuropathy.

Kidney issues
Myeloma proteins can also damage the kidneys. When the kidney starts to fail, it loses its ability to get rid of excess fluid, salt, and body wastes. It can cause symptoms like leg swelling, itching, shortness of breath, and weakness.

High level of blood calcium
When there is a high level of calcium in the blood, it is called hypercalcemia. This condition arises from bone breakdown and can lead to constipation, drowsiness, and kidney damage.

Since the body gets weak due to multiple myeloma, the patient becomes more prone to infections, mainly of the upper respiratory tract and lungs. Due to weak immunity, the body will find it difficult to fight these infections. Bacterial infection, particularly pneumonia, is widely observed in multiple myeloma patients.

Blood-related issues
People with multiple myeloma may experience blood-related issues like bleeding gums, blood clots, nosebleeds, bruising, and even cloudy vision that is caused due to thickened blood.

Diagnosis and treatment
Immediately consult a health expert if one notices these symptoms or warning signs. A doctor will carefully interpret the symptoms to reach a conclusion and chart out a proper treatment plan. Health experts suggest getting some blood tests, urine tests, and imaging tests to rule out MM.

Treatment options include prescription treatments, radiation therapy, stem cell transplant, and more. When diagnosed with the condition, the patient should follow the treatment plan regularly and adopt a healthy lifestyle to enhance recovery. The person should avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits. Taking proper rest, eating healthy food, and paying attention to emotional well-being is equally important. Though treatments will not cure the condition completely, it helps to control the symptoms and slow down its progress.

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